
Life Cream DL Envelopes - Pack of 8


Life Envelopes are the perfect way to add a touch of elegance and charm to your correspondence. A pack of 8 peel and seal DL envelopes from Japanese stationers Life made using their premium cream 100gsm paper. An A4 sheet folded in thirds will fit perfectly inside.

    • 8-pack, 105 x 235 cm
    • 104.7 gsm
    • Self-sealing strip
    • Made in Japan

      About the Brand

       “LIFE” is a Japanese stationery company established in 1949, ” to produce stationery, to create culture,” making and selling the stationery to be used in daily “LIFE”. The products they make are mostly papers, with good design and good quality. The secret of their success is the timeless endeavour to create the finest piece by the skilled artisan with a keen eye on every process.

      See  the other Life products we stock

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