
Keeping A Creative Sketchbook

An inspiring creativity guide for keeping a sketchbook as an artistic practice, with techniques and sources of inspiration for experimenting, drawing, painting. Packed with ideas and prompts to get started, this book helps overcome overwhelm and open a world of joyful creativity. With your sketchbook by your side, you can slow down, be present, notice the little things, enjoy the process, let go of perfectionism, and embrace the blank page, discovering rich new depths to your creativity and finding your artist mindset for inner peace.
  • Author: Block, Emma
  • Publisher: Perseus Running Press
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 11/04/2024
  • ISBN: 9780762483570
  • B-Code: B072606
  • Illustrated: 175 colour illustrations
  • Pages: 208
  • Dimensions: 232x186mm

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