
On the Shortness of Life : The Stoic Classic

Make each of your days meaningful using Seneca's immortal guidance In On the Shortness of Life: The Stoic Classic, Tom Butler-Bowdon introduces the work of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, an ancient Roman philosopher who wrote on the fleeting nature of existence and the need to live in a way that is worthy of the short time we have on this planet. In the book, you'll learn how to go beyond busyness and shallow pursuits and fill your days with purpose. The happy life is the virtuous life.

Seneca explains how to: Spend time in reflection and truly honour yourself and your value. Fulfil your duties to family and society yet remain mentally independent. Separate what matters from what merely pleases the ego.

Perfect for anyone seeking meaning and purpose in their daily lives, On the Shortness of Life is an extraordinary reminder of the transient nature of life that shows you how to make each moment count.
  • Author: Lucius Annaeus Seneca & Tom Butler-Bowdon
  • Publisher: Capstone Classics
  • Format: Hardback
  • Publication Date: 25 July 2024
  • ISBN: 9781907312540
  • Pages: 176

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